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We are very proud to be a Community Learning Center that provides services to engage, educate and support our students, their families and our community. We have partners on site that provide health and wellness services, After-School enrichment programming, mental health services and parent-education classes. We also have countless other partners, including community volunteers and an active PTO, that focus on the whole student throughout their journey with us.

Partnerships are carefully chosen following Parameters for Partnerships, formally stated in the Memorandum of Understanding, monitored for impact on desired student outcomes using the Learning Partner Dashboard and supported and managed by the Resource Coordinator. Community partners are determined, recruited and engaged to meet the specific and unique needs of our school community through an evaluation process called REFORM.

Mt. Washington Community Learning Center has over 120 organizations providing a wide range of services. To learn more about how your company or organization can become a Community Learning Center partner or volunteer, please contact Ilene Hayes at (513) 363-3835 or via email.