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Extracurricular Activities

After-school programs and extracurricular activities provide a richer environment to help students learn and grow. At Mt. Washington School, students have access to a variety of programs and activities to explore their interests.

Children’s Home After-School Program

A full-time licensed after-school program for children in preschool through sixth grade. The Children's Home program includes homework completion, health and wellness programming, and child care. It operates onsite during the school year. The program accepts private pay and child care vouchers. A free dinner and snacks are provided for the students in the program.

Mt. Washington Recreation Center

Provides after-school care at their location behind Mt. Washington School. This program operates full-time year round, including school holidays and summer. Recreation Center staff come to Mt. Washington School and escorts the students in their program to their center at the end of the school day. The Mt. Washington Recreation Center is private pay only.