Helps people prepare for the GED test, upgrade skills to prepare for college or other training programs, develop or enhance skills to succeed in the workplace and learn to speak English or improve English language skills. ABLE sites are offered in partnership with community agencies and are located throughout the city of Cincinnati. Classes are free and available year-round during the day and evening. Some sites offer free child care during classes.
Offers a second chance to complete high school education. Obtaining a GED-high school equivalency diploma will open doors to many opportunities in employment, and entry into technical schools and colleges.
The GED exam consists of four parts and takes about seven hours to complete. GED classes are designed to prepare adult students for the exam, including study of math, writing, social studies, science and literature. Instructions and materials are provided for free for students. A GED Test Voucher is available.
Classes are available to assist adults who do not speak English as their native language. Group, individualized and computer-assisted instruction are available in:
- Reading, writing and conversational English
- American culture and traditions
- Citizenship preparation
For more information or to enroll in classes, contact ESOL New Student Intake at (513) 363-6100.
Cincinnati Public Schools will honor diplomas to veterans from World War II, the Korean Conflict and the Vietnam War who were called to military service before graduating from high school. The district is implementing the program through legislation adopted by the Ohio General Assembly.
To be eligible, veterans must have served in any branch of the United States Armed Services between September 16, 1940, and the end of the Vietnam War. They must have been honorably discharged and have never received a high school diploma.
To receive a diploma from CPS, the veteran must be a resident of Hamilton County but need not have attended a Cincinnati Public school. Veterans are not required to take any tests to qualify for the diploma. The school district may present a diploma to a veteran posthumously.
To begin the process, the veteran, or a relative, must go to the Hamilton County Veterans Service Commission, at Ninth and Sycamore streets downtown, to fill out an application for a veteran’s certification. Bring an original copy of the veteran's DD214 discharge document or other proof of service, so the commission can verify the veteran's service record.
CPS will issue either a diploma from the Cincinnati high school the veteran attended or a general diploma from the Cincinnati Public School District for veterans who were not CPS students.
For more information, contact CPS' Public Affairs Department at (513) 363-0020 or Hamilton County Veterans Service Commission at (513) 946-3300.